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Low flows in west NYS
Delhi BWA

Up to the minute NY water news for Wednesday, November 29 - last update 9:14 am EST

Drinking Water Matters
A boil water order has been issued for customers in Delhi, Delaware County, due to a water main break. The advisory is in effect until noon Thursday.

Floods and streamflow update from USGS WaterWatch
Three streamflow gages rated low as of Wednesday morning. All three are measuring surface water in west NYS, two in the Genesee River and one in Niagara River - Lake Erie watershed. Accordingly, these watersheds are also rated on the drought map, the 7-day streamflow average rating below normal.

Tonawanda Creek station at Attica is recording streamflow values feeding Lake Erie in the 97th percentile low flow, meaning that of all the recorded volume and depth at this location on this date, the reading we see today is lower than 97 percent of all readings taken. Low rating is also showing up on the Oatka Creek monitors at Warsaw and at Canaseraga Creek above Dansville, supplying Lake Ontario.

No USGS gages indicate flood or 99th percentile high flow as of Wednesday morning. Normal to above normal streamflows continue upstate and through the Hudson River central drainage basin to NYC and Long Island. See the FLOOD button to the right of the map for details on the high and low flows recorded on the USGS network of streamflow gages through the state.

Drought map from USGS WaterWatch
Allegheny River watershed in the southwest comes off the drought map overnight. Allegheny River is the one part of New York state contributing surface flow to the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico.

Genesee and Allegheny River watersheds remain below normal Wednesday as the 7-day average streamflow values compare with the historic values. A channel of the Niagara River - Lake Erie watershed is below normal, including the north strip of Erie County and south strip of Niagara County. No other areas of drought or below normal flows appear on the drought map of NY today.

HABs update from NY DEC HABs Notifications Center
No more active HABs remain in NYS as of Monday. Highlights of the 2023 HAB season will be available in the coming weeks, watch for more information here. will be back with a season wrap up report looking at the most HAB-afflicted water bodies in New York State over the last few years. More to follow.

Did you see HABs this past season? Let WTNY know how HABs has impacted your enjoyment of state waters. Email us

Hazardous Spills the latest reports released from NY DEC as reported to the NY Emergency Spill Hotline 1-800-457-7362
A complaint has been filed alleging deliberate illegal dumping of an unknown amount of motor oil from a private residence on Hutchinson Blvd in Mount Vernon on Nov 24. No impact to state waters in Westchester County noted.

Discharge of unknown amount of hydraulic oil reported in a canal off Homan Avenue in Bayshore Friday.

See the Spills button to the right of the map for more spill incidents reported in NYS.

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