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September 16, 2024
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Drinking water questions or concerns? Give us a call at 877-52-WATER (877-529-2837), or email us at

September 6, 2024 updated 323 pm EDT

Aurelius BWA

Safe Drinking Water Advisories
Cayuga County: The Town of Aurelius came under a boil water advisory following repair of a water main on Tuesday. Customers impacted by depressurization of the water line were boiling their tap water to prevent issues with microbiological contamination that can enter the system during breaks, repairs and associated loss of water pressure. The area impacted extends along Clark Street Road, Basswood Road, Half Acre Road and East and West Drives, including Coopers Mobile Manor.

Spills of toxic materials have the potential to endanger public health and contaminate groundwater, surface water, and soils, even in very small amounts. As we report on incidents potentially impacting drinking water sources in New York, incidents are tagged on the map to the right. Turn on the watershed layer and directional arrows to understand the potential impact zone of spills, active drinking water advisories are tagged in yellow, red for do not consume. Black tags indicate flooding, a factor for mobilizing contaminants through the drainage area and potentially into drinking water sources.

Drinking water facilities are profiled in the SDWA Act column, see drinking water facility profiles with source water details here, and the US EPA compliance stats for NYS drinking water facilities, including those with significant Safe Drinking Water Act violations, here.

Pollution Prevention - Permission to Discharge
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) issues permits to industrial and municipal operations for the discharge of treated wastewater to the waterways of the state. Permit holders under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) are required to re-submit an application to renew the permit every five years, the characteristics and amount of the material to be discharged are assessed and considered in light of all other known point source discharges to the same area or same receiving water body. reports matters concerning discharges potentially impacting water bodies, drinking water sources along with the streamflow levels by watershed area and drainage basin. Flooding carries land-applied contaminants to the waterways, as such these events are plotted together as observed. Understanding and awareness of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Land Application System (LAS), Pretreatment permits, Sludge Management Plans, and/or Industrial Pretreatment Programs is an important facet of the work.

When discharge permits are not followed, whether intentionally or accidentally, the US EPA can step into an enforcement role to assist the State. See an example of a metal finishing company in violation of the Clean Water Act by way of breaching the discharge permit terms, here.

Streamflow Situation
Monitored rivers and streams run normal to above seasonal normal through most parts of New York State Friday, watersheds with below to much below normal flow ratings are limited to the upper Chemung River watershed and Lower Hudson River watershed around the Croton River. Isolated cases of below normal flows pop up in northwest Lake Ontario, Lower Genesee River and Niagara - Lake Erie watersheds. Lake Ontario watershed remains in a state of severe hydrologic drought through Niagara, Orleans and west Monroe Counties with no significant rainfall expected. An area of the Lower Lake Champlain watershed is rated below normal at this report, as is north Cattaraugus County of the Niagara River - Lake Erie drainage area.

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