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Daily oil spills
Champlain BWA

Up to the minute NY water news for Friday, December 15 - last updated 632 pm EST

Hazardous Spills the latest reports released from NY DEC as reported to the NY Emergency Spill Hotline 1-800-457-7362
The latest incident reports available Friday afternoon are spills reported and occurring on Monday, December 11 with a motor vehicle accident report added for Dec 12.

Round Swamp Rd Cumberland Farms Store 3257 in Plainview reported another spill of unknown amount of gasoline Monday, the second report of unknown amount of gas lost from the same location in two consecutive days. The two incidents having different dates and disticnt file numbers with different contributing factors listed, appear to be separate incidents. More to follow.

Seven heating oil spills were reported to the NY DEC Emergency Spill hotline Monday, six of these occurring in or around private residences in Suffolk, Rockland, Bronx, Westchester, Orange and Essex Counties. State sources say two million households in NYS heat with oil. Equipment failure is the most common contributing factor given in the spill incident records with the vast majority being single family homes. A large spill is considered one gallon or more, cause for professional response and clean up. On Monday, two of the seven reported spills were more than a barrel, the largest being five barrels. Three spills are listed as amount unknown and two are listed as multiple pails.

Eight incidents relate to vehicle related spills, gasoline or diesel spilled due to traffic accidents or spills during filling. Auto waste fluids and motor oil are listed spills from Monday connected with common vehicle petroleum products. Another 14 spills are industrial petroleum products, transformer oil and hydraulic oil released from commercial or institutional facilities such as electricity substations. These spills can be in the order of thousands of gallons, the records from Monday all spills with amounts given are under a barrel, three are listed as unknown amounts.

One spill is noted as aeration tank effluent released from a wastewater treatment facility. Two spills were reported as unknown material. None of the spills from Monday involved impact to water or regulated toxic materials.

Drinking Water Advisories
Champlain BWA remains in effect for customers on 30 to 70 Church St., 1 Transborder Dr. and 179 to 194 South St. until further notice.

Floods and streamflow update from USGS WaterWatch
Streamflows in central, northeast and southeast NYS continue to run normal to above normal Friday while flows in the west run below normal to much below normal. As of this update, none of the gauges are recording extreme high or low flows in NYS.

Drought map from USGS WaterWatch
Surface area of NYS appearing on the drought map Friday is unchanged from Thursday. Genesee River watershed is rated below normal from the south NY state line to the Lake Ontario outlet. The west edge of Chautauqua County in Niagara River - Lake Erie watershed is also rated below normal. With streamflows much below seasonal norm, expect to see the drought map take on a rated hydrologic drought in the Genesee watershed over the weekend.

Note: WTNY reports all hazardous materials spills impacting water, petroleum spills of more than a barrel and regulated toxic materials spills of any amount, with a location tag on the map and listed by date on the right side spill button. Watch for our 2023 annual spill report by watershed area in the New Year.

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