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Lake Champlain no longer flooding
Oil spill reported impacting Hudson River

Up to the minute NY water news for Tuesday, December 26 - last updated 430 pm EST

Floods and streamflow update from USGS WaterWatch
NWS report from Binghamton shows 60% chance of rain today increasing to 100% tomorrow. Lake Champlain has fallen slightly below flood stage at Port Henry by 11:30 am Tuesday. No other flooding or 99th percentile flows are reported at any of USGS monitoring stations in the state as of this update.

Drought map from USGS WaterWatch
Niagara River - Lake Erie watershed north strip along the north Erie County and south Niagara County border is rated below normal Tuesday. Lake Ontario minor tributaries west section is likewise rated below normal, including the remainder of Niagara County, Orleans and Monroe Counties. Genesee River watershed is rated below normal in its entirety from Allegany County to the outlet in Monroe.

Hazardous Spills the latest reports released from NY DEC as reported to the NY Emergency Spill Hotline 1-800-457-7362
The latest incident reports available Friday afternoon are spills occurring Thursday, Dec 22.

An unknown amount of petroleum is reported spilled at the Clinton Rock Quarry north of Bear Mountain Bridge impacting the Hudson River. The spill occurred during a time of high flow and flooding around Poughkeepsie. A feeder leak reported in Brooklyn on December 21 had released an estimated 930 gallons of dielectric fluid. The source of the leak was unknown at the time of the report. Crews working to located the leak will update the record as the time elapses, updating the total amount of dielectric fluid spilled. More to follow.

Note: WTNY reports all hazardous materials spills impacting water, petroleum spills of more than a barrel and regulated toxic materials spills of any amount, with a location tag on the map and listed by date on the right side spill button. Watch for our 2023 annual spill report by watershed area in the New Year.

HABs update from NY DEC HABs Notifications Center
From the NY DEC summary report for 2023, the top three lakes on the HABs list are all in the Finger Lakes region. Top spot is claimed by Cayuga Lake with 89 confirmed blooms, followed by Canadaigua Lake with 83 reports, and Owasco Lake with 72 confirmed HABs over the course of the 2023 monitoring effort.

Notable is Hyde Lake in Jefferson County with 69 reports, and Orange County's Beaver Dam Lake in the Lower Hudson River watershed having archived 60 HAB reports during this year.

Drinking Water Advisories
Schaghticoke Water BWA remains in effect for connections in Pleasantdale following repairs to a leaking water main valve.

Fonda and Mohawk BWAs have been rescinded.

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