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HAPPENING NOW Back to work Monday no hazardous weather alerts
Rain forecast midweek
Water news for Monday, January 22, 2024 - last updated 924 am EST
National Weather Service No Hazardous Weather alerts for NY
Rain in the forecast midweek Wednesday - Friday with no hazardous weather alerts posted for NYS Monday morning. Lake effect snow bands hit the area south of Finger Lakes Sunday, watch for higher streamflows in the southeast.
Streamflow Situation from USGS WaterWatch
Ice continues to impact some northern creeks and lower volume rivers Monday. The first sign of ice impact seen a month later in the season for the winter of '23-24, we reported here that Grass River monitoring station indicated ice over the weekend, this Monday morning appears to be running clear at Chase Mills. Take extreme care around moving water with ice, the ice is new and cannot be considered reliable for venturing upon.
Streamflows in the central basin are rated mostly above normal Monday with a few stations recording lower, at seasonal normal and a few showing much above normal. Long Island creeks are normal with one flow signalling much above normal at Valley Stream. Mohawk River watershed has a north-flowing branch beginning on the west side of the Catskill range, Schoharie Creek and minor tributaries flow much above normal Monday to meet the Mohawk River. Platter Kill is recording 99th percentile flow at Gilboa. East Canada Creek, a tributary that originates north of the Mohawk River and flows southward continues as we observed over the weekend at much below normal flow level on Monday morning.
West NYS is mostly normal with a few below normal recordings Monday. Genesee River's Oatka Creek station records much below normal at Garbutt. South state flows on the Atlantic side of the divide are mainly above normal with Delaware River watershed showing half a dozen sites much above normal, Mongaup River flowing high at 98th percentile.
No active flooding recorded on NYS flow monitors Monday, and no extreme low flows in NYS.
Refer to USGS Provisional Data Statement at the end of this update.
Drought Map USGS 7-day average streamflow against seasonal average
No part of the state is rated below normal.
Drinking Water Advisories
Schenectady County Department of Environmental Health issued a BWA for Niskayuna following a water main break on Friday. Connections impacted include those on Grand Boulevard, Dean Street, Myron Street, Plum Street and The Plaza.
See yellow tags on the map for boil water orders in NYS.
USGS Provisional Data Statement
Data are provisional and subject to revision until they have been thoroughly reviewed and received final approval. Current condition data relayed by satellite or other telemetry are automatically screened to not display improbable values until they can be verified.
Provisional data may be inaccurate due to instrument malfunctions or physical changes at the measurement site. Subsequent review based on field inspections and measurements may result in significant revisions to the data.
Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these data or concerning other hydrologic data may be obtained from the USGS.