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Hudson River streamflows much above normal
Drought limits flow to Lake Erie

Water news for Tuesday, March 5, 2024 854 am EST

Streamflow Situation from USGS current streamflow monitors
Elevated streamflows in the northeast and central drainage basins send extra volume to Lake Champlain and Long Island Sound. Black River continues to run above 90th percentile toward Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain tributaries Ausable and Saranac run over 90th percentile, all Upper Hudson River stations are recorded above 90th percentile Tuesday, new today including Newcomb station. As observed and reported yesterday, North Creek, Hadley and Fort Edward stations show volume much above normal.

Northwest watersheds continue to post much below normal flows, continuing the below average flow trend in the northwest. Lower Genesee River continues to run much below seasonal normal Tuesday with three monitors at or below the 10th percentile. Tonawanda Creek is running much below normal at all three of its monitors in the Niagara River - Lake Erie watershed. Lake Ontario minor tributaries west is running one rating much below seasonal normal, Black Creek is reported flowing 8th percentile at Churchville, provisional data supplied by the USGS Water Science Center.

No extremes either high, 99th percentile or low 1st percentile recorded in the NY streamflow network this morning, and no active flooding.

Drought Map USGS 7-day average streamflow against seasonal average
New York Niagara River - Lake Erie watershed area in Erie County remains below normal along the Niagara-Erie County line, along with the adjacent watersheds of the Lake Ontario minor tributaries west section and Lower Genesee River watershed.

Hazardous Spills Report a spill 1-800-457-7362
NY DEC Emergency spill hotline takes reports of hazardous materials spills from anyone with knowledge of a spill. Professional responders are dispatched to contain spills and remove hazardous materials. Note that a spill of one gallon of home heating oil inside a residence is considered a large spill requiring professional response and cleanup. Ventilate the building and clear the area if a spill of fuel oil #2 occurs inside your home, and call the emergency spill line.

USGS Provisional Data Statement
Data are provisional and subject to revision until they have been thoroughly reviewed and received final approval. Current condition data relayed by satellite or other telemetry are automatically screened to not display improbable values until they can be verified.
Provisional data may be inaccurate due to instrument malfunctions or physical changes at the measurement site. Subsequent review based on field inspections and measurements may result in significant revisions to the data.
Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these data or concerning other hydrologic data may be obtained from the USGS.

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