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March 30, 2025
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With the Flow
NYS Watershed Report, Week of October 25 to 31, 2021
HIgh flows - Flash Flooding in the South

Previous Reports


Canadian Cleantech Company launches IPO on the TSX
Forward Water Technologies, developed on the Lab Bench of Queen's University, is a wastwewater technology that can extract clean water out of extraordinarily salty solutions, and on spontaneous low energy input.


Deaths linked to ‘Hormone Disruptor’ chemical cost billions in lost U.S. productivity
Daily exposure to chemicals called ‘phthalates’ aka ‘the everywhere chemicals’, may lead to roughly 90,000-100,000 premature deaths among older Americans each year, a new study shows.

Lead Pipes

Getting the Lead out
Interview with MIT researchers working on a new way of getting lead out of water.

Climate Change

'Natural infrastructure’ could save billions a year in climate crisis response
Planting trees and preserving mangrove swamps and wetlands are cheap and effective but overlooked, report says - The Guardian

Renewable Energy

EVLO™ Reliable Renewable Energy
Intermittent energy storage, batteries for extreme cold weather increase energy stability in remote communities

Click on links below

TODAY Watersheds HABs Counties Nine Nations Investigative

Western New York Finger Lakes Southern Tier Central New York North Country Mohawk Valley Capital District Hudson Valley New York City Long Island


Complete data on NY watersheds, including population, rivers, streams, reservoirs, regulators and community water systems. Click on links below.

Watersheds Basics   All Regions   Northwest    Southwest   Central   Northeast

With the Flow Watershed Report Overview - Click on image for full report

Infrastructure - A look at New York infrastructure by the numbers

Toxic Algae

The Health of Water

Deaths linked to ‘Hormone Disruptor’ chemical cost billions in lost U.S. productivity.

Leave it to beavers to restore ecosystem health

Hydration is not just about drinking enough water

The Health of Water - Archives



NASA spin-off aims to clean the world's contaminated soil, sediment and groundwater, forever
Interview with Ian Doromal, co-founder of ecoSpears, on the green technologies his company has developed for remediation
Environment-friendly commercial aviation that requires no roads or airports
Interview with Mark Dorey, CEO Straightline Aviation
First low orbit launch site in Canada. Lift-off 2023!

Interview with Steve Matier, CEO and Spaceport Developer, Maritime Launch Services

Columbia physicist says forethought saved NYC billions in wake of Sandy

Dr. Klaus Jacob on his experience of Sandy, how we should adapt to sea level rise, and the dire consequences if we don't.


Corporations are responsible for cleaning up their industrial mess but should they set the standards?
If responsible sources of contamination pay for and conduct the remediation it allows the responsible party to target the absolute minimum in terms of cleanup. Akwasasne Part 2. (PCBs).

How Mega Corps contaminated community's land and water since 1903
The contaminants left behind by General Motors, Alcoa and Reynolds impact Akweswasne's water, wildlife and people to this day. Akwasasne Part 1.

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