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March 28, 2025
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Hazardous Spill File
Sludge release into the Hudson River in Lower Hudson Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
1152 gallons of dielectric fluid released from a railroad car in the Atlantic Long Island Sound Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
38,000 gallons of milk released from a dairy plant in the Oswego River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
10,000 gallons of milk released in the Oswego Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
3000 gallons of liquid asphalt released in Lower Hudson Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Motor oil released in a traffic accident in the Susquehanna Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Sludge spill reported in the Upper Hudson River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
2000 gallons of diesel released in the Oswego River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
1559 gallons of dielectric fluid released in the Atlantic Long Island Sound Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
9500 gallons of manure released in a traffic accident and impacts Kinney Swamp in Genesee River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Traffic accident on the I 84 Westbound contributed to an 80 gallon diesel fuel spill in the Lower Hudson Watershed.

Hazardous Spill File
1000 gallons of sludge and digester foam released in the Chemung River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Unknown material discharged into Rondout Creek in the Lower Hudson Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
5000 gallons propionic acid released in the Niagara Lake Erie Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Home heating oil spilled inside of a home in the Lower Hudson

Hazardous Spill File
36770 gallons of mineral oil released in Mohawk River

Hazardous Spill File
Manure releases in Upper Hudson Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Manure release in Tompkins County

Hazardous Spill File
Material released near Flushing Creek in Atlantic Long Island Sound Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Release of unknown material into Niagara River

Hazardous Spill File
Release from Spier Falls Hydro Electric Dam impacts Hudson River

Hazardous Spill File
Spill impacting Salmon River in Oswego Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Raw Sewage released into Muscoot Reservoir in Lower Hudson Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
BTEX, Dichloroethene, isopropyl benzene and vinyl chloride released in Manhatten, Atlantic Long Island Sound Watershed.

Hazardous Spill File
Manure released from a private residence in Chemung River Watershed.

Hazardous Spill File
Deliberate gasoline spill in Atlantic Long Island Sound Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Farm Chemicals spilled in Lower Hudson Watershed.

Hazardous Spill File
Fish Creek impacted by an unknown material in Lower Hudson Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
378 gallons of dielectric fluid spilled in Atlantic Long Island Sound Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
2000 gallons of ferric sulfate spilled in Ticonderoga in Lake Champlain Watershed.

Hazardous Spill File
Car accident in the Black River Watershed releases multiple fluids.

Hazardous Spill File
Blind Brook impacted by 3000 gallons of raw sewage in the Atlantic Long Island Sound River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Raw sewage spill in the Atlantic Long Island Sound Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Lithium ion battery liquid released in a car accident in Mohawk River Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
60 gallons of fertilizers released into Tonawanda Creek in the Niagara River Lake Erie Watershed

Hazardous Spill File
Raw sewage released into Great South Bay and East Branch Mohawk River

Hazardous Spill File
6000 gallons of waste fluid spilled in Upper Hudson Watershed

NY Spills May23 24
Hazardous Spill File
Five barrels of heating oil spilled in Nassau Residence
Manure spilled in Oneida Creek

NY Spills May21 24
NY Spills May17 24
NY Spills May7 24
NY Spills Apr29 24
NY Spills Apr22 24
NY Spills Apr17 24
NY Spills Apr11 24
NY Spills April 6 24
NY Spills April4 24
NY Spills March29 24
NY Spills March26 24

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